Tourist who fell from a cliff in Pico do Areeiro lost balance after taking a photo

The tourist who fell this morning from a cliff approximately 200 meters high in the Pedra Rija viewpoint area, Pico do Areeiro trail, reportedly lost his balance after leaving the trail to take a photo on a hill. He is a young man, presumably of German origin, who was in the company of three other […]

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All Hiking trails in Madeira are Closed

The Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN) has announced that all officially designated hiking trails in the Region are closed due to weather alerts issued for the area. The IFCN further stated that ‘the designated hiking trails will remain closed for safety reasons as long as the weather alerts are in effect.’ ‘Everyone is […]

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Six Tourists were Caught by the Forestry Police on a Closed Route

Another six tourists were caught yesterday by a patrol of the IFCN’s Forest Police Corps trespassing a metal barrier (as seen in the photo) and walking on a closed trail. Fines for this infraction start at €1500. Besides the obvious danger, the officers identified these six tourists who “walked the closed section of the Classified […]

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All Levadas and classified trails are closed

All classified hiking trails in the Autonomous Region of Madeira will be closed this Monday due to the issued weather warnings. According to a statement from the Institute of Forest and Nature Conservation (IFCN), “as long as the alerts remain in place, the classified hiking trails will remain closed for safety reasons.” “Everyone is advised […]

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Cost of Survival: Helicopter Rescue Fees Now a Starting from €1,000

Starting today, fees will be charged for helicopter rescues in Madeira. The minimum cost is approximately €1000. This is broken down as follows: activating the rescue service costs €753, the rescuer/saviour’s fee is €105, and there’s an additional charge of €7.50 for every minute the helicopter is in flight. These fees apply when a rescue […]

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