“lady slipper” (orchid) / Sapatinho

?? One of the most traditional Madeiran Christmas flowers is the ” Lady Slipper” orchid, which blooms from December to January.Commoly designated ” Lady Slipper” orchid (Paphiopedilum insigne), this flower originating from the Himalaya, growing between 1000 up to 2000 meters, is one of the most traditional flowers of the Christmas season in Madeira. It is a […]

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?? The protea is a very common flower in Madeira, delighting tourists and residents. Here you can find different varieties of this flower species.Proteas cultivation in Madeira island began in the early 1970s. The Protea cybaroides, the Protea compacta, the Protea nerüfolia and the Leucospermum cordifolium were sown with seeds from South Africa. Despite being far from the areas […]

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House Bread / Pão de Casa

?? Madeira’s House Bread is distinguished from other varieties of homemade bread made in Portugal by incorporating sweet potato, a widely used food in Madeira.House Bread, traditional in Madeira, incorporates sweet potato, one of Madeira’s main crops. The ingredients required for its production are wheat flour, sweet potato, yeast, warm water and salt. In Madeira […]

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Sugar Cane Molasses / Mel de Cana

?? Made from sugar cane, treacle is used in the most diverse food delicacies of Madeira.The origins of Madeira’s treacle date back to the heyday of sugar production on the archipelago, witnessing its History. As the Portugese name “mel de cana” [cane honey] implies, this product comes from the sugar cane that is introduced in […]

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PassionFruit / Maracujá

  The passionfruit is one of the most popular fruits of Madeira, both for its exceptional flavour and for the various uses that it has.The passionfruit is the fruit from the passionfruit tree – a woody, perennial, fast growing, vigorous, continuous and luxuriant growing vine of the Passifloraceae family.It is estimated that there are more […]

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