Important Information: On February 7, 2022, the Madeira Safe platform was updated as the Health Authorities of Madeira changed the rules and regulations for entry into the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Madeira Safe registration is now only recommended. Passengers are no longer required to present a QR Code upon arrival in the Autonomous Region of Madeira or to have their documents validated by medical personnel before or on arrival. Thus, both the QR code and the submission of documents were disabled on the platform.


There are no restrictions on the entry of travellers at the airports, ports and marinas of Madeira.

When planning your trip to Madeira and Porto Santo, it is important to know the local regulations in force regarding the prevention and containment of COVID-19, namely:

  1. Epidemiological Survey

All passengers must complete the epidemiological survey, of the Regional Health Authority, on the Madeira Safe digital platform –

  1. Positive Cases

Determine the mandatory confinement for a period of five days, in the home or in the hotel establishment where accommodated, at the person’s own expense, in the following situations:

a) Patients with COVID-19 and infected with SARS-COV-2;

b) Residents of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, as well as visitors, can then resume the normal activity on the 6th day should they not have symptoms, without having to carry out a TRAg screening test for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

  1. Isolation of Contacts

Persons who have had contact with a positive case, regardless of their age, do not need to isolate. However, persons who are not vaccinated or those with an incomplete vaccination scheme, as well as persons up to 17 years of age (inclusive) who reside with positive cases, will be tested on the 5th day.

This test is free and will be made available via the S-ALERTA/CIDADAO application –, after the receipt of a SMS with a code. The test can be performed at one of the adhering testing stations in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.


The use of the app by locals and visitors is recommended, so that the self-management of the health status can continue to contribute to the monitoring of the pandemic in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, together with the health authorities. It also serves as a tool for the obtainment of declarations and certificates related to Covid-19 disease.


Passengers must be aware of the travel restrictions and entry requirements for the country to which they will travel; therefore, we advise that travellers confirm the information along with official government entities to ensure that they can reach their destination.

To consult the regulations applicable to the destination of origin, namely in the case of passengers coming from EU member states (and Schengen Area), we advise that you consult the official website of the European Commission –

Consult the list of clinics and pharmacies, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, where passengers can schedule an appointment for carrying out rapid antigen tests, at their own expense.



• Tests undertaken before returning to the country of origin are the responsibility of the passenger, i.e. at his/her own expense;

• Testing during the stay will only be recommended for those who have symptoms, with a high temperature, equal to or greater than 38ºc, regardless of the vaccination status. In these cases, the TRAg screening test for SARS-CoV2 infection is free.


The use of a mask is mandatory in open and enclosed areas, for persons from the age of 6, for the access, circulation or stay in public areas or ways, whenever the physical distancing recommended by the health authorities is impracticable, save in exceptional cases, as well as the frequent sanitizing of hands and surfaces, in accordance with the provisions of point 4) of Resolution no. 53/2022, of the 3rd of February.

As complementary measures to prevent COVID-19, the full compliance with the following norms is indicated:

• Restaurants, bars and similar establishments, nightclubs, gyms, sports as well as cultural, social, recreational and similar activities:


  • Presentation of initiated or completed vaccination scheme;
  • Recovery Certificate,
  • Rapid antigen test, valid for a week, paid at own expense, in the case of non-vaccinated persons.

Official source