The alleged murderer parked the car on the sidewalk and was arguing with his wife. He was later approached by someone who lives in the residential Monaco who told him to be calm with his wife.
Even before entering the Sirius restaurant, the suspect would have threatened the man who approached him. Subsequently, he entered the establishment and shot two customers. The one who died is called Carlos and was known as Carlão.
Segundo foi possível apurar, o alegado homicida estacionou o carro no passeio e estava a discutir com a sua mulher. Foi depois abordado por alguém que vive na residencial Mónaco que lhe disse para ter calma com a esposa.
Ainda antes de entrar no restaurante Sirius, o suspeito terá ameaçado o homem que o abordou. Posteriormente, entrou no estabelecimento e disparou contra dois clientes. O que morreu chama-se Carlos e era conhecido como Carlão.
Source: JM
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