Madeira, the enchanting Portuguese island in the Atlantic, is clearly a beloved destination any time of year. We recently polled our vibrant Facebook community with the question, “When’s YOUR perfect time to visit Madeira?” With nearly 1000 votes cast, the results offer a fascinating glimpse into what makes this island so appealing throughout the seasons.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Spring (30%) – Spring emerged as the top choice, perhaps unsurprising as Madeira bursts into bloom during this time. Temperatures are mild, ideal for hiking the stunning Levadas and exploring the island’s botanical treasures.
  • Summer (26%) – Summer came in a close second, and it’s easy to see why. Warm, sunny days beckon visitors to the beaches and outdoor adventures. Festivals and lively events dot the calendar, adding to the summer fun.
  • Winter (24%) – Winter in Madeira offers a surprisingly appealing alternative. Those seeking a break from colder climates will find mild weather. Plus, the island’s famous Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations are truly spectacular.
  • Autumn (20%) – Autumn’s slightly smaller share of votes shouldn’t diminish its charm. This season offers a more peaceful experience with comfortable weather and the opportunity to enjoy the bounty of the harvest season, including the renowned Madeira wine.

The Takeaway:

Madeira truly shines as a versatile destination throughout the year. While individual preferences may favour a particular season, there’s simply no wrong time to visit. Whether you crave vibrant springtime blossoms, long summer days, cosy winter getaways, or the colours of autumn, Madeira delivers.

What about you?

Have you visited Madeira? If so, what was your favourite season and why? If you haven’t yet experienced this island gem, the results of our poll might inspire you to plan your Madeira adventure!

Getting Around

To make the most of your Madeira trip, regardless of the season, consider the convenience of renting a car. Exploring the island’s winding roads and diverse landscapes is best done at your own pace.
Visit us at to find the perfect vehicle for your journey.