?? RTP Madeira report that the fireworks on New Year’s Eve this year will light Funchal’s skies for eight minutes – down on previous years if I am not mistaken.
?? A RTP Madeira informou que o fogo de artifício na véspera de Ano Novo que iluminará o céu do Funchal irá durar oito minutos.
?? The TV station details that there will be 174,000 “shots” from 38 posts, which will try to illustrate the Madeiran party with “25 different pictures”. Not quite sure what that means, but the occasion should be as good as usual!
?? A estação de TV detalha que haverá 174.000 focos em 38 postos, que tentarão ilustrar a festa madeirense com “25 fotos diferentes”.
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