According to the Taste Atlas guide, the top two places on the world pastry podium are reserved for Portugal.

Among the 50 best cakes in the world, the first place is reserved for the traditional “Pastel de Belém” with a score of 4.9 out of 5. Next, in second place, Portugal is also represented with the “Pastel de Nata”, which has a rating of 4.8.

The Portuguese “Bola de Berlim” is also on the list, in 26th place, with a score of 4.5. The guide refers to this cake as a “filled donut” and recommends trying it at the famous Zé Natário in Viana do Castelo.

The guide describes “Pastel de Belém” as a cake traditionally baked by monks at the Jerónimos Monastery since 1837, and that only the cakes made at the Pastéis de Belém factory – where one can witness endless lines of tourists due to the cake’s popularity – can be called “Pastel de Belém”.

Read more about Pastel de Nata