Portugal, including Madeira and the Azores, is being removed from England’s COVID travel red list – meaning returning Britons no longer have to quarantine when they come home.
Mauritius is also being taken off the list, in a move that could open the way for tourists to go to those two countries after the government allows international travel again.
Anyone who is not a British or Irish citizen, or does not have residence rights (including long-term visa holders), who has departed from or transited through these countries in the previous 10 days will be refused entry into England.
Commercial and private planes travelling to the UK from Oman, Ethiopia and Qatar will also be banned from Friday, which the government says is “to reduce the risk of importing variants of concern”.
Qatar is a significant hub for east-west travel between destinations in Asia and the UK.
The ban does not affect cargo and freight without passengers.
The changes increase the number of countries on the red list to 35.
As autoridades do Reino Unido anunciaram esta segunda-feira a retirada de Portugal da ‘lista vermelha’ de restrições de voos. A medida entra em vigor às 4 horas da próxima sexta-feira, dia 19 de março, e abrange as regiões de Portugal continental e as ilhas dos Açores e Madeira.
Assim sendo, os passageiros provenientes de Portugal deixam de estar sujeitos à chegada ao país de um período de dez dias de quarentena.
Saliente-se, porém, que também esta segunda-feira, o Governo português, através de um comunicado emitido pelo Ministério da Administração Interna, informou que “decidiu prolongar, até ao dia 31 de março, as medidas restritivas do tráfego aéreo”.
“Assim, mantêm-se suspensos todos os voos, comerciais ou privados, dos aeroportos ou aeródromos de Portugal continental, com origem ou destino no Brasil e no Reino Unido”, destaca a nota do MAI emitida esta manhã.
A par de Portugal sairão da lista no mesmo dia, os passageiros provenientes da Etiópia, as ilhas Maurícias, Omã, Qatar e a Somália.
You still need to quarantine for 10 days and have negative test results. This is from the UK government website gov.uk
If you’re travelling to England you must either quarantine in the place you’re staying or in a managed quarantine hotel for 10 days because of coronavirus (COVID-19). What you need to do depends on where you travel in the 10 days before you arrive in England.
You must also get 2 coronavirus tests after you arrive in England. You’ll need to book these before you travel.