The strong wind forecast for the island of Madeira is already conditioning the landings at Madeira International Airport.

The TAP flight from Lisbon, scheduled to arrive at 9:15 am, is one of those affected by these weather conditions, having already tried to land in the Region, but without success.

Also ‘on round’ is the British Airways flight, coming from London and whose landing was scheduled for 10:15 am.

Remember that moderate to strong winds are forecast for today (30 to 40 km/h), with gusts up to 65 km/h from mid-morning.

In the highlands, the wind will be strong (40 to 55 km/h) from the south/southeast, with gusts up to 80 km/h starting in the early morning.

Such forecasts therefore place the south coast of Madeira and Porto Santo under yellow alert due to the wind, until 4 pm today.