Situated in Campanário at the bottom of a steep slope, Calhau da Lapa beach has some of the purest waters in Madeira. Since the path is not fully paved; it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes on your way down the slope.

The walking trail is paved only until halfway, and the remaining track is made of clay. Some call this beach a wild paradise because it has neither lifeguard nor any support infrastructures, standing out as a bastion of tranquillity.

This secret spot is neighbours of  Faja dos Padres

How to get there?

The best and easiest way is taking a small boat from either Ribeira Brava or Funchal which brings you to Calhau da Lapa.  Some packages include a lunch, and some are more like a shuttle service. And this tour is highly recommended.

Or you can drive to a small chapel below Campanário and then continue the long descend by foot. Remember, every meter of descent is a meter of climbing on the way back. This access is only for the more sportive enthusiasts. Advise: Wear good shoes and not sandals or flip-flops. You will be rewarded as there is a beautiful cascade on the way.