Miguel Albuquerque, President of the Regional Government, reiterated today that the removal of Madeira from Portugal from the UK’s green list was an imminently political decision, to retain domestic tourism.
“There is no plausible reason to put Portugal and Madeira off the list,” he began by pointing out.
“We are making all the necessary arrangements and hope that the decision will be re-evaluated as soon as possible”
Miguel Albuquerque, presidente do Governo Regional, reiterou hoje que a retirada da Madeira de Portugal da lista verde do Reino Unido foi uma decisão iminentemente política, de modo a reter o turismo interno.
“Não há nenhuma razão plausível para colocar Portugal e a Madeira fora da lista”, começou por apontar.
“Fazemos todas as diligências e esperamos que a decisão seja reavaliado o mais rapidamente possível”
Source: JM
Can’t wait to get back and champing at the bit especially as Madeira has so few cases ! Feel safer there than in our own UK. Agree that it’s based on tourism for UK but praying that Madeira is put into green list , cases still packed and raring to go. Maderian people are second to none for friendliness and have made some great friends . Can’t wait for green light!! Here’s hoping it’s soon